Saturday, December 31, 2011

My 3 Philosophies for 2012

1. Give no bullshit, take no bullshit

2. Always have a better tomorrow (In this way in 365 days i would have bettered 365 times)

3. Keep calm, nerd on

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Every once in a while just sit still and appreciate the vastness of Nature and the inconsequentiality of the Human race.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Love that Wasn't

Baby; I know it was blurry
All quick and we never realised that it was gone
I know when you look back
You find just black empty spaces strewn

I know as well; it’s too late to write a song about it
And it’s also too late to set it straight
I guess it just wasn’t meant to be
I know I was stupid, no doubt I was dumb
But the absence of that possibility was leaving me numb

I heard you cry, I saw you try
You did what you could
You hung on to it
Didn’t let it slip
But it’s just me, don’t blame it on you
For us not making it through

Memories are all that I have been served
And that is all I ever deserved
But this poem isn’t an apology
Coz’ somewhere deep down inside, I know
Even if wrong was the way,
I am grateful for what I did that day.

It’s sad when you make me realise
That we are back to where we begun
But I guess it’s a step you took which I could not
And then, it took me a while to realise that the bliss was a curse
But I guess it’s grown into a wound we cannot nurse.

You know I always have,
And I always will
Wish the best for you
And secretly pray that you make it through.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Inspirations for the sad times

How far can one really stretch; how extensible can one actually be?  What if someone tells them at a decisive juncture that if they go down that road they will run into depression; for sure? What if they are given medication for a mood disorder and told that it is a cough medicine? Would you hang on to sanity when pushed to the brink of depression? Would you or would you just let yourself into the lap of lunacy and rest your head on to the wonderful pillow of lifelong weirdness?

It’s easy for people who have a history of mood disorders to say that depression is not a big deal. Ask those who have never been in depression. Then go and ask those who are proud of the fact that they have never been in a depression and sure of the fact that they would never go into one. These are out and out positive people with strong, stable heads and they would take it on their ego if you tell them they are sad; let alone feed them pills.

Life gets hard sometimes. People will tell you to go and see a psychiatrist, they will sniff at your mouth to find out if you have been stress drinking, they will peep into your house through your window to see whether you have hanged yourself yet or not and nobody would sell you rat medicine anymore. But life is going to be fine if you find any of the above happenings laughable. It should be a delight to know how very strong you are than what people think of you.

It’s okay. Bad things happen, people get sad every day and life does not always go as we intend it to, but then I guess that is just what life is; that is how they designed it above. God does not always give a damn about your plans for your life. If sometimes it does not go as you intended it to; well, get flexible!!! Get imaginative!!! Think out of the box, Tear apart the box, don’t get disappointed.

Think out of the box? What box?? I have no idea where the stupid box is.” – House, M.D

People are going to tell you what to do in life. That is just why God made people for and mind you they may be even giving you the right advice but there may be a difference between the right thing and the thing you have to do to set your life right and if it is there, appreciate it. It may not be conventional, it may not be the right thing in the eyes of the world but it will be the right thing for you and that is what matters. Go do it; the world won’t have to live with the advice it gave you when you were down. You will have to, for all your life. So listen to your heart, do what feels right inside.

Heart is a busy organ and has shit loads of work to do with all the pumping and contraction and it does that oxygen thing as well, so don’t burden it with the extra load. Don’t take everything to your heart. The troubles, the emotions, the sadness, the grief; let them be an “in from one ear out from the other” kind of a thing. Life is too long for a small grief to bother you. What looks a big trouble today will look a small bump in the road tomorrow.
So chill, relax, take it easy. Go, hug someone tight and cry it all out.

Don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out of it alive” –Paulo Coelho

Ishaan Kumbkarni,